Friday, June 21, 2013

Gaydar! Brian Joo

He sure acts gay in variety shows and towards everyone. He’s pretty friendly with da dudes. In fact, he’s been in gay polls before so this shouldn’t have been a huge surprise. People even suggest he has lots of ‘good times’ with his ‘best friend’, Eru. However, the two main things that dispel the myth that he’s a flaming homosexual is

1) He’s a rabid Christian according to his personal Twitter and Facebook account — and homosexuality in Christianity is an instant no-no.

2) He really seemed to be enjoying hanging out with hot nurse chicks in a certain photo we saw on Asianfanatics (look it up yourself, we’re lazy).

Of course, this could all be for media press and he’s duping us all and he’s really doing undercover dancing with his pal, Eru. Or Fanny. Whoever is first on his list.


  1. He's Gay. go to Itaewon he's always making out with guys. He's short as hell and not a good kisser. His dick is around 5 inches. He's a top.

  2. Him being a top is a surprise.
