January 2013
Another Pann post was discovered where a fan explained that the screencap was photoshopped because the colors were off (the commenter's name should be blue and there should be an arrow next to his reply, it should look like this).
Unfortunately, the other two pann posts have already been ranked at the top all day and are nearing almost a thousand comments. More on that after the translation:
Pann [+57, -23] 6,268 views: Park Chanyeol is not the one that bashed Soshi ㅋㅋㅋ Why all of a sudden now?
Why is that mini-homepage cap randomly coming up now? It's not Park Chanyeol. I don't know who uploaded it but I think the fans who are believing it right away as well as the people hating on him are contributing to the problem. Saying that it's right and believing it to be true is only contributing to the distortion of the truth.
That cap has been around since before EXO's debut. There as a virtual group named Sonyun Chunji at the time and there were a lot of rumors surrounding them, this being one of them. It was all revealed to be a rumor then. I don't know why Park Chanyeol is being wrapped up into this mess now. The rumors about Sonyun Chunji involved the boys supposedly going around saying all of the other groups were just experiments for their debut, playing with their nintendos at a TVXQ concert, and the SNSD bashing. There was a fancafe that exposed it all to be fake so you can find it all there ㅋㅋㅋ.
There's no proof that he really did it and all you did was believe something someone spread with malicious intentions and jump in on the hate. What's so different from what you're hating him now for? It's as if you were waiting for the opportunity to hate on him without even checking whether it was true. Hate on him only after you have the facts.
It should be suspicious just from the fact that the cap doesn't show any other part of his mini-homepage.
Netizen's Comments
1. [+24, -4] It is a rumor. The commenter's name in the post should be blue and there's no arrow next to his reply. It's photoshopped. It was already revealed before EXO's debut.
2. [+15, -0] Please spread this ㅋㅋㅋ The OP is telling the truth
3. [+13, -0] The thing about SM idols is that whenever a new group's about to debut, people make up all sorts of rumors saying they bashed so and so, they copied so and so, they dated so and so. They end up getting hated on by every SM fandom. But then time passes and everyone's like, 'Hey, they're not bad', and then 'We're the friendly SM Line' I'm pretty sure this is what's happening to EXO ㅋㅋㅋ Just truck through it, SHINee went through this too
EXO fans will have to work a lot harder to spread that because compare that to the hell being raised in the first pann (139,369 views and 1,040 comments) and the second pann (71,355 views and 300 comments), it's not anywhere near the rankings with almost zero possibility of it being viewed by anyone else. The pann was only released a couple hours after the first two panns so it's had all day to catch up, which it hasn't.
The first pann's being spammed with people demanding that he be kicked out of EXO. For more perspective, here are the translations of every comment on the most recent page in the second pann:
Netizen's comments:
"I'm an EXO fan as well and I really believe EXO needs to apologize for this;;;;"
"I heard he already apologized at a fancafe made when he was a trainee."
"The only way for this to go away is if he apologizes to SNSD otherwise this is going to follow him around for the rest of his career. Why is he apologizing to his fancafe members, what did he do to them? He needs to do it directly to the people he hurt."
"This isn't something you can shield. Even if it was said during his trainees, he needs to apologize for it."
"I don't understand people saying he can swear if he wants since he was a trainee at the time."
"I used to care about EXO because SNSD mentioned them so often but it looks like they were just bashing them behind their backs. What a disappointment."
"I'm a hardcore SM fan but I can't shield this. Stupid fangirls that are sitting around shielding this, you make me laugh."
"I love Chanyeol but this makes me hate him, seriously."
"I was worried about this never resurfacing so I'm glad it's back. It's also ridiculous fans are shielding this. He's no different than Soyeon and Yoon Eun Hye."
"I feel so bad for SNSD."
Translations: NB
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