It all started with the Son Ye Jin, SNSD Yuri, and Han Ye Seul love triangle.
The topic of discussion these days is the talk of two popular actresses, A and B, who are both infatuated with F and are taking different approaches. A attended a party with F, allowing F to broaden her social network while B either calls F to her home or spends some "cozy time" with her in a car. B might be aware that A recently bought F a car. Both A and B have wrapped up their filming but both are disappointed because they cannot spend as much time as they'll like with F due to F's overseas promotions. B's entourage has said "B seems to be really lovestruck right now to the point that her filming is disturbed/her filming has been hard to focus on." An industry insider has also said "F isn't the type of person who can easily refuse and therefore hasn't been able to refuse both A and B's phone calls. At the moment she seems close with them both but no one's really sure of her true feelings."
A= Son Ye Jin
B= Han Ye Seul
F= Our one and only, the lovely Miss Kwon Yuri
At the same time it was discussed on k-gossip blogs/boards (i'm not sure, but i know we had k-netizen comments on it from that sort of thing). Their names popped up with each other, netizens were searching them like crazy - everyone was curious but no one was actually talking about it
SNSD's ACTUAL and LEGIT reaction when it came out:

The whole summary here:
Those two actresses have always been plagued by gay rumors. Han Ye Seul was even spotted in a gay bar plus a lot of hints have been dropped. If you go to and put in search bar which is Son Ye Jin's name and the first thing that popped up and with Yuri's name. Obviously people in Korea have been searching them up.
An SNSD member was also spotted at a gay bar but no one knows who went there since it's just a rumor. But we might not know it is really true that an member went there and her K-Sone stan knows but would not tell who it was.

Gay rumors.
An SNSD member was also spotted at a gay bar but no one knows who went there since it's just a rumor. But we might not know it is really true that an member went there and her K-Sone stan knows but would not tell who it was.

Credits: Soshibutts
lol do you think they are still dating right now? :)
ReplyDeletelol yuri is obviouly gay .i am sure not only her but i new it because i have a lessbain freind . she is my sest abd only freind .shad acrush on me since 3years now /do not juge me i am not lik her i am stright and aii this time i am trying to stay away from her pervertness .believe me she is stick with me whenever i where and all time . but she did never tell me her feelings :i new it from her actions ;1-ifeel that she is not confortabale whenever i am talking whith buys from the universsièy or even girls -2-she ty her best to brin my attention to her -3-the wierd action that he mad 3 weeks ago when we had a sleepaver toguether i was leying in bed and she supposed that i am in deep sleep but i was not o ifelt her kissing me in my lips but it was quick; i never tell her what i am thinking bor blame her becaue i do not want to hurt her feelings
ReplyDeletethe problem now is that she i coming to sleep over in my house next week and i am thinking how i will face her ;i am in big troubles now
What has this article got to do with your life story
DeleteShe is not telling you because you are close minded. If you confront her in a loving and supportive way explaining that you still love her as a friend but you are not attracted to her she will be sad but she will get over it. I think you're a bad friend. Maybe she isn't even sure of herself. In high school I was intensly protective of my friend but it wasn't until about 6 years later that I fell in love with another girl (no my fiance) that I realised what my true feelings towards my friend were. Do your friend a favour and leave from the sounds of it I'm sure any new friend would be an improvement to you. You sound like a homophobic loser.
Deleteit is me again i solved the situation,but evrithing is over now our freindship transform into a bunch of mimories ,and the reuthe i can not discrib how hurt he was when i rejected her
ReplyDeletefor now it is all awkward bbetween us
can someone advice me and tell me what should i do
Anime troupes be like:
Deleteoh my god i am going to die ,siriously i want to commit sucide
ReplyDeletei cried for three day,s now i am at hospital my freind i injured and it is all my fault i want to day she is npw blind
after all that happened between us i cept the destence between us
and my parents noticed that and questioned me about the mater bu i cept on telling that it is not a big problem ,but now i told them every thing and her parents seems that they know about thier doughter,s sexuality
what happened is that i wa in a littele party batween freinds all wa perfect till we decide to play and wa ended drinking i admit i drinked alot so i anded talking and fllirting with a guy hom is a strenger that i do not know ,and he draged me to a free private place he bigain kidding me rounghly i cried and yeled but no one was conciouce to hellpe me ,at hat time somone hit the guy and because he was very druk he fall to the ground when i saw the savior i was shooked it was her and what surprised me i that she wa not in the party becaue she hate tha kind of parties and he do not drink o he take my hand i did not utter any world bacaue i was speechless and when we were at the exit of the bulding there is stairs wa was about to pass them whne the guy of earlier come rushing to us with a chair ha try to hit us but she bloked him
they fight till he puched her and he fall up tairs i was hoked and i still i saw the blood rushing from her head i run to her i creamed her name but no response and all went QUIQULY AFTER that she is in hopital and i tetify to thr police for everithing
and for this day,s i keep crying because she wak up from coma but the doctor told us that her optic nerve injured and thar is no solution for her to see any more
for now iregret all my life my best freind i ufring because of me
iwant to die but bafor that i want to beg her fo forgivnes
don't commit suicide.. if u did so, that'll make it worse.. u just stay beside her n support her.. that's what friend's do.. so.. don't take the easy way out.. it'll hurt u,, ur bestfriend.. ur family.. n whoever knows u.. b strong ;)
DeleteGuys, they are still dating? Don't forget about Im seoulang from 2AM He was introduced to the son ye jin. I believe this rumor because at IG acc Yuri ( yulyulk she follow Im seulang) all know both are very close. Hey man what you talking? I can't understand. I hope all finds hint or something about they fighting!