Source: Pann Pictures from Davichi Kang Minkyung's iljin days...

CCM really amazes me with how they're able to cast only people with iljin pasts from T-ara to Co-Ed and Minkyung. Kids that used to smoke, drink, and bully weaker classmates are now living new lives as female singers of our country ㅋㅋㅋ
The reason I'm uploading this is to criticize wrongful acts committed in the past. Before I saw these pictures, I myself was a fan who saw every TV show Minkyung was on. I gave up being a fan after these pictures, however..."
Then, Haeri's nude photo incident. Basically she left a nude picture she took of Lee Haeri in the bathtub at their Japanese hotel. She said: "The nude picture I took of Haeri unni on our Japanese vacation? I left it at our Japanese hotel! The person who found it actually contacted me and asked how he can return it... so I told him to rip it up on the spot." LOL That's just so fair and right.
But then again, she took another nose dive after saying that "My first impression of Lee Haeri, I thought she was a company staff member". You can see the article here.
And no, no one can stop her, she then confessed that she was hit on by a famous gagman when she was on her 3rd year of Junior high.You can see the article here. If she's just trying to be witty, then she's doing it awfully WRONG! Netizen's think it may either be Go Young Wook or Kim Tae Hyun, the MC of Ulzzang Generation.
On a sidenote: There are too many rumors saying that she's currently dating Shin Seung Hoon who's 22 years older. You can see the article here. Nothing wrong though, we love sponsors too.

Kang Min Kyung Before Butt Pads

After Butt Pads

K-netizen's comments:
1. [+351, -14] I've never liked him ever since she would make sly jabs at Lee Haeri2. [+296, -13] I lost all respect for her when she laughed while saying that she left a nude picture she took of Lee Haeri in the bathtub at their Japanese hotel.
3. [+285, -26] I remember on radio the topic of Park Kyung came up and she totally talked down about him, saying, "Does he rap better than Zico? Who is he, anyway?" I've never ilked her since.
4. [+77, -5] Kang Minkyung was in her third year when I was in my first year at Jeodong Junior High School. I of course turned my gaze away when she passed me in the hall. There was another ulzzang who was prettier than her but Minkyung was richer and knew more iljin oppas so she was always considered the top.
5. [+63, -3] She really has a way of slyly getting under Lee Haeri's skin ㅋㅋㅋ and Lee Haeri has to deal with it all because Kang Minkyung has more male fans ㅠㅠ
6. [+61, -2] Doesn't matter if you have a pretty face since her character is utter trash ㅋ I've hated her ever since she'd make jabs at Lee Haeri
7. [+55, -2] I want Lee Haeri to go solo
8. [+45, -2] Just by seeing how Kang Minkyung acts, you can see what kind of past she had
9. [+34, -0] Tsk tsk, she acts all nice and innocent all the time too
10. [+21, -2] Well she can't hide her iljin past when you see the way she acts sometimes ㅋㅋㅋ I mean, it's a given considering she used to be an ulzzang..
Translations: NB
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